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Personality Test

GeniusX is developed from the knowledge of neuroscience to understand the human brain and the human thinking system. GeniusX Brain Skill Development is a new discipline that develops the mind to choose different life paths.

Discover your true self here.

GeniusX BrainSkill (Best Version)
฿ 499
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System of thinking
Problem-solving skills
Learning from your own brain and others' brains

to maximize benefits in creating good relationships in family, work, living together in society, helping you stay current in the digital age.

Human G, or Game Changer

“Game Changer”

Human G, or Game Changer, are individuals who are brave, adaptable, and always willing to fight. They do not give up easily and enjoy facing difficult challenges. If they cannot succeed, they refuse to give up and find ways to overcome obstacles. They find enjoyment in stressful situations, similar to boxers who never give up but are willing to die in between rounds.

Game Changers are driven by their survival instincts, which make them bold, determined, and unwilling to easily back down. Having Game Changers on a team can bring innovation and competitiveness, as they are always full of ideas and eager to take on challenges.



Game Changer

Game Changer : นักสู้ผู้เปลี่ยนเกมส์

Human E or Entrepreneur

"The Business-Minded, Chasing Every Opportunity"

A person who can see business opportunities at all times, no matter what situation they encounter. They have a strategic mindset, especially when it comes to money and trade, with advanced sales techniques. They are skilled negotiators who achieve profit in every deal.

The main driving factor is the rational part of the brain, leading to calculated thinking and always assessing value.

If a manager has an E type person in their team, they will have a strong financial team that will not allow the company to lose out to competitors, preserving benefits effectively.



Entreperneur : The Business-Minded, Chasing Every Opportunity

Entreperneur : นักธุรกิจผู้เห็นโอกาส

Human N or Network

"A human relations expert"

Someone who can talk to everyone easily, enjoys socialising, and is loved by friends. They are a great listener and everyone trusts them with their secrets. They always give good advice

Human N has a special group of friends, often being the leader of the group, whether big or small without Human N, the group may not function smoothly. When there's a party or gathering, they are often in charge of organising it because if someone else does it, the event may not turn out well.

Human N is driven by emotions, making them charming and approachable. They know how to connect with people naturally, but sometimes being surrounded by others makes it difficult for them to make decisions alone.

If a manager has a person with the Network characteristics in their team, they will have the "heart of the organization" - someone who is both a leader, a friend, and a sibling. They excel at coordinating and leading the team forward.



Network : A human relations expert

Network : นักเจรจาผู้เชื่อมโยง

Human I or Information

"Knowledgeable Sage"

The person who lives their life with information, Human I is the most knowledgeable among the 6 types of humans. They abide by rules and regulations, do not like taking risks, excel in research and data analysis, think systematically, and can spend the whole day with documents. They are good at writing business plans. If anyone wants detailed information, they must consult with a Human I to get a lot of comprehensive information.

Human I is driven by rational and logical reasoning. "Thoroughness" comes first and they often take a long time before making decisions in order to "gather" enough information.

If a manager has a Human I in their team, they will have a valuable employee who is like a "diamond in the palm". The more information or analysis they provide, the smarter and deeper the organization will appear.



Information : Knowledgeable Sage

Information : นักสะสมข้อมูลตัวฉกาจ

Human U or Unique

"The artist who loves freedom"

Humans with a unique perspective. The world in the eyes of human species U will make them appear strange, because they think differently. Sometimes they may not understand themselves very well. They live a carefree life, not caring about anyone. They simply "like and do" things that they want to do, without allowing anyone to force them to do anything. Sometimes they may enjoy being alone, as their minds wander far and wide into imagination.

Human U is driven by emotions (emotional intelligence). They choose to work in something they love, focusing on their own comfort and peace of mind. They love a world full of beautiful colors and enjoy being in their own company.

If a manager has someone from the Unique species in their team, they will get ideas that are unlike any other because they have a creative and different perspective. They see the world as a canvas and have a more advanced imagination than others.



Unique : The artist who loves freedom

Unique : ศิลปินผู้รักอิสระ

Human S or Sharing

"Mother of Mercy"

Humans who are true givers from the heart, the world is peaceful because part of it is embraced by humans who share. Otherwise, the world will be more competitive. Humans of the Sharing species are called "born for others". If you have 100 baht, donate 50 baht without thinking too much, with a generous and compassionate heart since birth.

Human S is driven by the instinct of the soul (Instinct). Feeling protected and cared for, finding happiness from giving without expecting anything in return, sensitive to things that affect the soul.

If any manager has a Sharing human in the team, you will have a good person with a kind heart, compassionate, not seeking self-interest, not competing with the organization, not undermining colleagues. If there are new ideas that need to be done for customers, you must listen to this person and ensure satisfaction from all parties involved.



Sharing : Mother of Mercy

Sharing : ผู้ให้ ที่อ่อนโยน

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Coming soon

แบบทดสอบ Growth Mindset

ติดตามได้เร็วๆ นี้

Coming soon

แบบทดสอบ Critical Thinking

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